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Better, Faster, Easier, Cheaper, Bigger

1 min read

Topic: Insurance Agency Management Insurance Agency Growth Strategies Start an Agency Grow an Agency

Do you use job descriptions in your agency?  I’m not a big fan of job descriptions because I think they are too limiting.  You’ve heard the old saw before “It’s not in my job description” haven’t you?

A couple of years ago I saw just the opposite in our business.  Job descriptions were four pages long!  Single spaced!  They included lots of specifics and very little broad statements that create clarity for employees about what their real responsibility is.

In a growing, entrepreneurial business, the real job description for every employee should be amazingly simple.  It should be something like “do everything within my ability to help the company grow as rapidly and profitably as possible”.  That is a good job description.

Recently, I spoke to our team about what I consider the responsibility of each and everyone one of them to be.  In short, what I think their real job description, regardless of position is.  Our team member’s job description can be summed up this way:  Better, Faster, Easier, Cheaper, Bigger.

That’s it.

What makes a company grow?  Better does.  Faster for sure.  Easier absolutely.  Cheaper makes other things possible.  Bigger does of course.

My point is simple.  EVERY employee’s job is to do whatever they can think of to do these things in their area of responsibility.   When you have a team of people who understand this, and think this way, growth is practically guaranteed.

Of course Better, Faster, Easier, Cheaper & Bigger also apply to them personally.  When team members are doing a great job of delivering on these things the business should reward them commensurately.  This is called synergy.  When you have synergy things explode!