Circle of Excellence - Rocket Fuel
1 min read
Topic: Blog Company Newsroom
OAA's Circle of Excellence met this Wednesday for lunch and to discuss headlining industry topics. The group reviewed the outcomes of the discussions we had with all our carriers at our quarterly reviews.
Together, we discussed the Conning Report "Property-Casualty Insurance Distribution", and what is to come in the future of the industry. In our industry today, the typical insurance customer is evolving - attitudes and behaviors are changing. This requires not revolution for insurance agents, but evolution to meet the needs of the modern consumer. What changes in buyer trends have you noticed in the insurance business?
Finally, the book, Rocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What You Want from Your Business, by Gino Wickman and Mark Winters, led to a great conversation about visionaries and integrators, and how this powerful partnership has led to some of the greatest businesses in the world, including Disney, Ford, and McDonald's. Visionaries bring groundbreaking ideas, while integrators get the job done. Without one or the other, each is not capable of reaching the pinnacle of their success - they give one another rocket fuel.
We recommend this read for all members. Are you an integrator or a visionary? How do you, in your business, combine forces with others to reach new heights?