C'mon let's get Connected!
1 min read
Topic: Company Newsroom Community
Starting on September 26 and ending on October 15, 2019, the OAA team traveled to four cities to visit most of the organization’s membership during the OAA Connect Tour. Tulsa, OK was the first stop and continued to through October to Little Rock and Fayetteville, AR and wrapped up in Oklahoma City, OK.
Thank you to Safeco and Liberty Mutual for sponsoring the Oklahoma stops and to The Hartford for sponsoring the Arkansas locations! Both carriers brought new updates to their internal systems and appetites, changes in commissions and shared details about special promotions currently running that our members can take advantage of to increase their business and overall profit.
OAA CEO, Tony Caldwell, addressed each of the groups and discussed collaboration. He stated, “we realize the dreams that you have, for yourself and your family. We are interested in doing anything that we can do to help you make that happen.”
Other OAA leaders also spoke, delivering updates for their individual departments and introducing key players and new team members within them. They also discussed other topics such as coaching resources in agency development and access plus, the upcoming pilot of a multi-line small commercial rater only available to OAA members, marketing resources, new investments in education, Associates Premium Finance Company (APFCO) and the opportunity to earn 50% of the profits, and so much more!
Each stop on the tour varied in venue, food, door prizes, and fun activities provided by our sponsors. From behind the scenes shark tank tours to beautiful city views, we enjoyed being able to catch up with our members and share with them the exciting things going on at OAA!