One Agents Alliance Blog

“Not a Good Fit”: Why Firing an Employee May Make Business Sense
This video and blog is part of my ongoing series covering business ownership, entrepreneurship, human resources and leadership. If you’ve ever ...

Cold Hard Facts: The Truth About Starting a Business
This vlog and blog is another entry in my series about entrepreneurship, leadership and how it can apply to individuals wanting to start or ...

5 Things to Avoid When Starting to Sell Insurance
I get to talk to lots of entrepreneurs about starting insurance agencies, and frequently the question comes up, what's the one thing I need to be ...

Everyone Has More Time Now
The last four months, while we've all been learning how to live and work in a time of global pandemic, we've been busy adjusting. In the first ...

Growth Agent Insight
Improve Your Insurance Agency Website for Increased Revenue
In earlier posts, I’ve tried to make the point that if you don’t have a website for your agency you: 1) Aren’t really in business 2) ...

Growth Agent Insight
Do You Love It?
We live in an amazing time in the history of the world for all kinds of reasons. One of them is that at least in the United States, you can ...

Growth Agent Insight
Pay Your Business First
That was something I learned from my business partner, Ken Anderson. I don't know where he picked up the idea, but ...

Growth Agent Insight
Creating the Culture You Want
Nearly 25 years ago I became a partner in an existing business. While this was a fantastic opportunity for me it was a difficult ...

Growth Agent Insight
I had the opportunity to speak to a very successful entrepreneur recently about an incredibly painful and public experience he had. Things had not ...

Growth Agent Insight
No is a Complete Sentence
I'd like to talk for a minute about the incredible wisdom of Kathy Ireland.