One Agents Alliance Blog

Insurance Agency Management
The Keys to Growth in 2013
Yes! I meant 2013! I’ve been looking at what happened to our business, our partners’ businesses and our industry during last year. I’m ...

Insurance Sales
How Asking for Favors Can Increase Your Agency's Sales
When I first ran for the Oklahoma House of Representatives I wanted to win! One of my strategies was to get as many yard signs with my name ...

Insurance Marketing
The Value of Your Brand
Two things this week made me realize the power of our personal or agency brand.

Insurance Sales
How Using Agency of Records Letters Boost Retention
Every commercial lines agent (and some personal lines agents) have received one of these dreaded “YOU’RE FIRED!” letters. Let’s talk about what to ...

Insurance Sales
Paying Staff for Selling Activity in Personal Lines
Continuing our discussion on how to properly compensate staff, let’s discuss compensating internal staff for personal lines sales activities. I ...

Insurance Agency Management
How to Pay Your Staff
Continuing the discussion on paying staff in the growing agency, let me share some thoughts on how to structure a compensation plan.

Insurance Agency Management
How Much to Pay Your Staff?
An OAA member recently asked me this question during a session on managing the growing agency. It’s a great question! And there are as ...

Insurance Sales
Goal Setting!
We are getting close to a new year and most of us are thinking about what we can accomplish next year. In the growing agency, that includes ...

Insurance Agency Management
Have you ever been frustrated because your employees don’t do what you want them to do? Or because they do things the way they prefer to ...

Insurance Agency Management
Are We There Yet?
Anyone who has ever been on a family car trip has heard that question. At least a million times, right?